Great Resignation not so great for you?

The Covid-19 pandemic brought many challenges for credit unions and community banks over the past few years, including the Great Resignation. This ongoing trend of employees voluntarily leaving their jobs in search of more money, flexibility and satisfaction is expected to continue

‘Tis the season of giving

This year, Maple Street was proud to donate $16,000 to local organizations we love and that are brightening our community each and every day.

What to do in between due diligence reviews

In order to ensure your due diligence reviews are fast and easy, Maple Street recommends practices ongoing vendor monitoring. Our CADi software can help you stay on track.

The vendor made me do it

Maple Street’s pros explore ways your institution could be wasting money and what you can do to fix the problem.

Credit Unions Closed More Branches In 2020 Than Ever Before

The Credit Union Times recently reported third-and-fourth quarter data released by the NCUA revealed a 12-month trend in branch closings throughout the United States and its territories. This decline resulted in 449 branch closings in 2020.